Exciting Mustang Survival Open House Following CSBC Symposium
Friday, October 4, 2024
Immediately following the CSBC’s October 1-3 'Many Partners, One Goal' Symposium in Whistler BC, Mustang Survival - our new Presenting Sponsor – has kindly offered to host an Open House at their Burnaby HQ and the Waterlife Studio and Innovation Centre the morning of Friday October 4th. This is an exciting opportunity to view the factory floor in full operation. As well, technical engineers will be available to demonstrate actual testing procedures of flotation and dry suits in the pool and lab.
All Symposium delegates and their guests, as well as participants in the two Cold Water Workshops in Victoria and Vancouver preceding the Symposium are invited to attend this informative Open House.
Friday, October 4, 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Mustang Survival HQ
7525 Lowland Drive
Burnaby BC V5J 5L1
Free street parking
Tour followed by light refreshments
Note: For planning purposes you must register in advance for this Open House.
Registration Form Here