How we are helping!
- Enhancing boater education using innovative and compelling technology
- Teach better preparation, prevention and performance skills
- Increase lifejacket wear rates among recreational boaters on inland lakes & waterways

The interactive materials allow boaters to scan the QR code for additional safety information.

How to get it!
Get our FREE promotional material (see below for materials available) by sending your request / quantities to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Materials Available:
- Outdoor Signage (12" x 18")
- Large Poster (12" x 18")
- Regular Poster (8.5" x 11")
- Static Window Cling (8.5" x 11")
- Tent Cards / Table Talkers (4" x 6")
- Handout / Brochure (5" x 7")


Within Reach rev2 TSA National En Print

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Other locations such as Municiple launch ramps, locking stations & Bus shelters will also be promoting our message
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5 Key Steps to Safer Boating

5 steps lifejacket

Wear Your Lifejacket

Legally you must carry one on board, appropriately sized for each passenger. But don’t just carry it, WEAR IT.

5 steps lifejacket

Boat Sober

Boating under the influence of alcohol, recreational drugs or prescription narcotics, is illegal, irresponsible and potentially deadly. Leave any such substances until you return to the dock.

5 steps lifejacket

Take a Boating Course

The law requires that anyone operating a power-driven boat must have a Pleasure Craft Operator Card OR other accredited proof of competency and it must be carried on board.

5 steps lifejacket

Be Prepared - You and Your Vessel

Ensure your boat has all the required safety gear and sufficient fuel. Be sure the weather is suitable for your vessel’s capabilities.

5 steps lifejacket

Be Cold Water Safe

Cold water is a significant risk. Learn how to protect yourself.