The Canadian Safe Boating Council is in the business of promoting safe and responsible boating throughout Canada.
As an alliance of members committed to preventing boating injuries and drownings, the Canadian Safe Boating Council works to achieve its mission by:
Defining key boating safety problems and issues that need to be addressed in Canada.
Providing professional development for members and other partner organizations that helps raise their awareness, understanding and commitment to boating safety problems and solutions.
Providing common core education messages and resource materials that members can use in their education efforts with boaters.
Acting as a clearinghouse for sharing safe boating ideas and information, and as a forum for aligning and encouraging synergy among member efforts.
Being a collective voice consulting with government and other boating stakeholders to advocate for changes that will enhance boating safety, including standards, regulations, legislation and enforcement.
Linking with international boating safety organizations to exchange information and resources.
The primary audience of the CSBC is the boater. We reach the boater (sail, power and human powered) both directly and indirectly, working collaboratively with organizations and stakeholders to maximize our reach to the boater, and we advocate on boating safety to governments and to industry.